



Blue Sky Or
Sky Blue?


Blue Sky Or Sky Blue? is a physical exercise of Herzog’s concept - “prioritized sight.” Valuable, yet malleable, prioritized sight is how we choose, consciously or unconsciously, the things we see; what we engage or empathize with; and what we understand or misinterpret, with varying degrees of implication. The installation consists of four large-scale mirrored structures. Each mirror is elevated at a forty-five-degree angle to reflect the sky. The mirror’s surface contains a subset of blue dots. As viewers walk through the installation, viewing the sky from different perspectives, the structures are used as instruments of measurement. Throughout the day, the blue dots appear to at times match while at other times contrast the color of the sky becoming invisible and visible through the eyes of
the viewer.


The Franklin Institute
Philadelphia, USA

Race St. Pier
Philadelphia, USA


Wood, Mirror, Ink Jet 3M™ 1080 Series Vinyl, Steel Hardware

Curated by

Ryan Strand Greenberg

Documentation film of Blue Sky Or Sky Blue? at Race Street Pier by Joseph Amsel
www.blueskyorskyblue.com Sun path diagram for Race Street Pier location Early structure explorations Blue Sky Or Sky Blue? shirts - edition of 20 indigo dyed Blue Sky Or Sky Blue? shirts - edition of 20 indigo dyed